Walking On Forbidden Waters


Walking On Forbidden Waters

by Alexander Lorenzo

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What is Walking on forbidden waters? Who are the people who walk on forbidden waters? The answers to these questions and more are found in this book. In the pages of the bible we find man who did great and mighty works despite their background, colour, race or age. Through storms and tough times in their lives, they managed to do the things that they never imagined they could do. These are men who pushed the boundaries of their faith to have victory over challenging situations and overcome their fears. They understood that background does not mean that your back is on the ground, but simply information of where you are coming from and not where you are going. And God is not worried about your past, but your future! So walking on forbidden waters demands you to walk by faith, and not by sight!

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Author: Alexander Lorenzo

Page Count: 115 pages
Language: English

Publisher: Zion Publications