Dating Again


Dating Again

by Nyeleti “ya Masase” Munisi

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From moments of ‘Ahh, finally, this is it!’ to ‘Oh no, not again’, the dating game is brutal and tricky. It is not for the faint-heart­ed and does not respect your position or your anointing. Once bitten in love, some people are too afraid to date again. After publishing her first book, Single Again, Tintswalo got back into the dating game and now takes you through the stories of tears, fears, humour, self-sabotaging behaviours, and lessons from her dating journey. She helps you answer some of the questions the game may have left rushing through your mind. Questions like, is there just one person for me? Why do peo­ple lie in relationships? Why do I keep picking the same kind of people? Should I be going with the flow? As a single parent, when and how do I in­troduce my new Bae to my children? Why does it seem like even after pray­ing, believing and waiting, one ends up in a worse relationship than the last? Do we always choose the wrong people or are we just victims of unfortunate circumstances?

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Author: Nyeleti “ya Masase” Munisi

Page Count: 122 pages
Language: English

Publisher: Zion Publications

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Printed Book / Soft Cover (Worldwide), Printed Book / Soft Cover (South Africa), Electronic Book (eBook), Amazon Kindle