Author OS Website Package
Online Store
Author OS Website Package
Establish yourself as a Professional Author and sell your books through your own Online Store!
Package Includes:
Online Store
- List all your books for sale online (physical and/or digital books).
- Full online shop features, complete with shopping cart and checkout process to ensure your books are sold successfully.
- Payments are made directly into your account.
- Click here to find out more about the Online Store.
Also Included
- Secure Linux Hosting (SSL) for your Website and Online Books.
- Landing Page – Featuring more information about you, the author, as well as your latest books, blog articles and contact details.
- Connect to all your social media accounts.
- Blog – The more you type, the more people are drawn to your website.
- Language translation for your website, which includes up to 20 of the top spoken languages worldwide.
- Secure password protected admin panel, where you can maintain your website.
Added Benefits
- 100 Facebook Boosts each month, marketing your website or your chosen book.
- QR Barcode to use on any marketing material that leads customers directly to your website.
- Discounted pricing on all Global Distribution platforms for all of your books.
Month-2-Month Subscription