The Splendiferous Splog

Meet the Splog. He is different. He doesn’t fit in with everyone else. He gets teased a lot. The Splog started to hate himself and became very sad and lonely.…


The Storm Of Disobedience

In this book, Fellicia shares about the storm she experienced in her life as a result of her disobedience and how she conquered the storm. Through her life experiences you…


The Tears Of A Tortoised Poet

From Homer’s epical poetry that catapults strong-minded men into dilemma of thoughts – To Shakespeare’s thought-provoking sonnets that storms spectators as prisoners of reason – To Michelangelo’s thorny piercing poems…


The Threshing Floor

The Holy Spirit in a gentle manner impressed in my spirit that the threshing floor it is not just a place of suffering and judgement, it is also an ultimate…


The Turning Point

We are the architects of our own destiny and the truth is that we have more power than we give ourselves credit for, more say over our lives than we…


The Universal Patterns Of Leadership

Designers use patterns as models to produce value that people will pay big money for. The Universal Patterns are divine designs to add value to every Leader who compiles with…


The Victorious Life

We have been created in the image and likeness of God. The Creator of all things, lives in us. He is there to show Himself as God, through us. There…


Thinkers Daily Nuggets

We are the product of what we daily hear, think and say to ourselves. If we change what we have daily been saying to ourselves, we will change what we…
