Wisdom For Crafting A Life Worth Living

You’ll enjoy reading Wisdom to craft a life worth living. This empowering book is loaded with comparisons and analogies to help us grasp the mysteries of Wisdom. Each chapter is…


Woman You Are A Threat To Satan

As a blessed woman I am honoured to have read this book and applaud the writer Pastor Victor for reminding women that there is more to them than hips and…



Let’s just say, life is full of surprises, but if you can change your thinking towards life being a little unfair to you, you might just have entered another level…


Words Are Seeds

Words are seeds that produce a harvest. Each and every time that we speak, we are sowing. Every single word that is spoken is a seed that produces a harvest.…


Young & Busy Shaking The World

This book is for young people who want to actively change the world. It is for young people who want a personal adventure that results in a human story, which…


Young Person Thou Art Great

Get your hope up; Raise your expectation; Expect the unexpected. In challenging times, it may be hard to see better days ahead. You may feel as though your struggles will…
