Thinkers Set Rules

I was puzzled by the saying that the man who has the gold makes the rules, yet we are all born from our mother’s womb without gold. The question was…


Thou Shalt Be Wealthy

Discover the SHOCKING truth hidden in plain sight: Unlocking God’s Blueprint for Prosperity. Ever wondered why, as followers of Christ, many of us still grapple with financial distress? Is the…


Three Profiles Of Youth

WEEDS OR FLOWER? That is the questioning for any parent raising a child who will eventually enter the social environment – either to make more weeds or flowers! In this…


Triumphant Living

Triumphant Living Devotional was birthed out of the numerous questions asked by my friends, family members and audiences wherever my teaching and preaching ministry took me. Over the years I…


Unexpected Through An Unpredictable Journey

Unexpected Through An Unpredictable Journey is written based on the experiences, that I went through, with what life taught me. Being a single mother, a widow and unemployed, at the…


Victory Over Pain

Is God real? Does He exist? Does He hear my prayers, my plea and my supplication? Does He even care about my problems, my persecutions and my financial crisis? And…



Standing on the edge of one of the tallest buildings in New York. Staring at the blue city lights. Beautiful but hopeless. Empty. Meaningless. How could a world full of…


Wait For The Lord

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and…


Wedding Vows (IsiNdebele & English)

Wedding vows has been translated in all South African languages. It is for the Pastors, marriage officers, couples preparing to get married. It covers vows for anniversary, customary wedding and…


Wedding Vows (IsiTonga & English)

Wedding vows has been translated in all South African languages. It is for the Pastors, marriage officers, couples preparing to get married. It covers vows for anniversary, customary wedding and…
