The Stone That Hit The Giant


The Stone That Hit The Giant

by Thando Sikonkwane

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Young people face the negative giants of unemployment, inequality, identity crises, insecurity, fear, crime, poverty, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, sexual abuse, violent rape and HIV/AIDS almost daily. They are either facing a problem coming from a problem or heading towards a problem. The trainblazers and titans of our time who have achieved great things have one thing in common: they learned to take courage daily, to face their negative giants head-on despite serious limitations. And in facing their challenges, they have become giants themselves, positive giants, achieving great things and making a difference in the world. There is a positive giant waiting to come out of you regardless of your age, background, circumstance, gender and race. All you need to do is choose Pick Up A Stone And Fight…

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Author: Thando Sikonkwane

Page Count: 120 pages
Language: English

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Book Type

Printed Book / Soft Cover (Worldwide), Printed Book / Soft Cover (South Africa), Electronic Book (eBook)