Defining Swivel
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Welcome to Swivel… let’s see if we can help find a pivot for your life… or, for the day… if we could at least offer you that much.
Most of us pretend as if “we have it all together,” so we don’t truly confide in others… it’s just a simple, “How are you?” and a “Fine, thank you,” and we’re on our way… back to life… struggling with it… and, in all honesty, most of us are feeling alone.
Some even think, “Why complain? … It could be worse” … and that could be true.
But, at the heart of things, we’re all struggling in one way or another. No one situation is worse than the other, and no one’s pain is worse than another’s. We are all in this life together. So, let’s do it TOGETHER. Even if it means that we still don’t talk openly to each other, at least let’s listen to what others dare to tell us, and then we can maybe find what we need to help us pivot for a better tomorrow… or even a better five more minutes. Life is still “just one moment at a time” … on repeat.
Swivel is fuelled with life stories from contributors… people like you and me… no matter the colour, no matter the religion/beliefs, no matter the class, education, or location… we are all “a heart in motion” … living with our feet on the same planet… even if we often have our heads stuck in the clouds. These stories are from people who have gone through the mud and have reached the other side… wearing their scars proudly for others to see that there is still hope.
Swivel is a digital canvas for creativity… freedom of expression. Where life has brought its limitations, let us give you that nudge forward, even if it’s just one small step. From movies and comedy to poetry, writing, music, and more – because being creative adds a spark of happiness to life.
Swivel is a helping hand in today’s “constant crisis mode” with load shedding and the need to cut corners on everything to meet the ever-shrinking budget… work more to eat less, with the “bonus” of becoming unhealthier… sounds like a “plot twist” for a new “dieting fad” that’s taken the country by storm. Despite the crunch, Swivel collaborators are offering fast, easy, and, most of all, cheaper tasty meals to try… meals that help you stay healthy too (mostly). Not to forget the user friendly “hacks” for everyday life… if I can do it, you can do it… and I have the “gold star” for being accident prone.
Swivel is constantly expanding… ever pivoting to reach you where you are at and to help nudge you at least a little further forward.
Remember that life is a series of moments that we can pivot, shape, and transform. Embrace the stories, express yourself, laugh a little more, try that “new life hack” … but, most of all, know that we are all in this rollercoaster called “life” together. Swivel. Let’s pivot together.