What Is In Your Hand?

by Precious Sithole (Habi)

13 People Currently Viewing This

But what do you push against? You don’t PUSH against other people. This isn’t a battle. You have to PUSH against the opposition of the devil in many forms such as bad memories, low self-esteem, or feelings of unworthiness. The devil may have spent years PUSHING you aside, PULLING you back and PUTTING you down. But NOW the Lord says to you, “I want to open you up. I want to give birth to that which I put in you.” Bishop TD Jakes

Are you perhaps over-whelmed with feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, incompetence, misery, or failure at the edge of your breakthrough? Have you pushed so much and so hard that you don’t know which angle to push or not to push to anymore? Irrefutably, half the time we despair because we do not know who we are or what we can become. Or possibly, like Moses, we underestimate our abilities and capabilities.

Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? What if they don’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say The Lord never appeared to me? Moses protested to God. But God questioned him: “What is in your hand?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied. Exodus 3:11, 4:1-2

Unbeknownst to Moses, the shepherd stick in his hand was meant to introduce him to the king of Egypt, help him navigate divine channels and finally lead him to destiny. In the same way, God has deposited treasures and perpetual gifts within you. He has called you to fulfil your earthly mandate by discovering purpose and executing the vision. He has commissioned you to break grounds and carry out great exploits.

So then, do not fall prey to insecurity, financial lack, rejection, inferiority complex, and low self-esteem. It’s time to enlarge your territory, align your mindset, and awaken to your true self. Give God the opportunity to use that which you already have as a gateway to your destiny. Your astonishing voice, creative mind, beautiful writing skills, brilliant eloquence, and your gifts and talents, can lead you to the promised land. The Lord wants to prosper you, and His question today is: “What is in your hand?”

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Daily Devotional


Daily Devotional

by Kgaogelo Mercy Mnisi

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This Daily Devotional was published with the aim of sharing God’s love, grace, peace and joy, which are available to us on a daily basis. The Word of God says, “His mercies are new every morning,” so amidst our busy lives, may we take a moment, each and every day, to read a Scripture and appreciate His goodness and His Word, which is a lamp unto our feet and a light for our path. May God richly bless you as you go through the pages of this book.

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Swivel Sept 2023


Swivel Sept 2023

by Swivel Magazine

6 People Currently Viewing This

Swivel is a Digital AND INTERACTIVE Magazine dedicated to igniting hope, inspiring strength and creativity, a helping hand, and bridging the gap between one another.

Life is a series of moments that we can pivot, shape, and transform. Embrace the stories, express yourself, laugh a little more, try that “new life hack” … but, most of all, know that we are all in this rollercoaster called “life” together. Swivel. Let’s pivot together.


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