Slayer Energy

by Enricoh Alfonzo

11 People Currently Viewing This

Dia Dè Lä Fruta and Blue Beetle are the Vibe!

Day of the Fruit

Slayer Energy Drink serendipitous fortuitous to have a Latino Spanish themed flavour to pair with Xolo Maridueña’s action figure. Electrifying drink that will turn your taste buds into a Tropical Fièsta!

Monthly subscription box from your favourite energy drink in SA!

Devilishly Dastardly Delectable Tropical Delicioso
Brazo Izquierda del Diablo

An actual Contender for my favourite Slayer Flavour of all time, against Acid Berry.

I love the “Day of the Dead” stylized artwork of IFeelSick. It looks amazing on this textured-feel can and as a sticker on glass.

It’s like coming home, but also going on an adventure, and a comforting hug, but also traveling to an exotic beyond-blue beach with your favourite playlist dialled in.

The BEST Energy Drink you’ve never tasted.

Affordable, dynamic, unique every single month of your life. Psychotically tasty.

Pineapple is my favourite vibe, with the collaboration vibes of mango and passion fruit creating orgasmic taste spectacular sensations.

Thank you, Arigato and Gracias Slayer for the sponsored box.

Article From

Swivel Sept 2023


Swivel Sept 2023

by Swivel Magazine

7 People Currently Viewing This

Swivel is a Digital AND INTERACTIVE Magazine dedicated to igniting hope, inspiring strength and creativity, a helping hand, and bridging the gap between one another.

Life is a series of moments that we can pivot, shape, and transform. Embrace the stories, express yourself, laugh a little more, try that “new life hack” … but, most of all, know that we are all in this rollercoaster called “life” together. Swivel. Let’s pivot together.


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